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This tag is associated with 3 posts

FCJ-149 Affect and Care in Intimate Transactions

Lone Bertelsen. This article considers the ‘co-affective’ power (Ettinger, 2011: 13) of the new media artwork Intimate Transactions. Keith Armstrong (2005), artistic director of the Transmute Collective—the creators of Intimate Transactions—describes Intimate Transactions as collaborative, ecological, and concerned with relation. [1] In its most recent incarnation Intimate Transactions takes the form of a ‘dual site…


FCJ-148 Affect and the Medium of Digital Data.

Adam Nash. RMIT University, Melbourne. Figure 1: Screenshot from *Autoscopia* by Justin Clemens, Christopher Dodds, Adam Nash, 2009-present: generated portrait of Adam Nash.
Image and permissions provided by Adam Nash. Introduction This paper attempts a technical analysis of the medium of digital data to establish how affect may emerge in that medium. Two central questions here…


Issue 21: Exploring affect in interaction design, interaction-based art and digital art

The notion of affect does take many forms, and you’re right to begin by emphasizing that. To get anywhere with the concept, you have to retain the manyness of its forms. It’s not something that can be reduced to one thing. Mainly, because it’s not a thing. It’s an event, or a dimension of every…
