Torsten Andreasen University of Copenhagen [Abstract] The digital cultural heritage archive appeared in the discourse of cultural heritage around the beginning of the new millennium and did so with certain specific goals, the digital preservation of and accessibility to cultural heritage should serve global tolerance, strengthen regional and national identity and, finally, inspire entrepreneurial creativity…
Troy Rhoades. Concordia University, Montreal. [Abstract] Perhaps the peculiarity of art is to pass through the finite in order to rediscover, to restore the infinite.—Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, What is Philosophy? (Deleuze and Guattari, 1994: 197) Science and Art When encountering John F. Simon Jr.’s software artwork Every Icon (1997) on his website,…
John Tinnell. Department of English, University of Florida. [Abstract] Over the past decade, the humanities disciplines have played host to an explosion of ecologically themed transformations, which continue to open up new (sub)fields of research and teaching. The development of the ecological turn in English studies (conceived broadly to house the study of literature, composition,…