24th September 2012.
12.30 launch with workshop following from 1-4pm.
Speculating on Utopia: A Fibreculture Journal and Workshop – Invite PDF
To celebrate the launch of Issue 20 of The Fibreculture Journal “Networked Utopias and Speculative Futures” we invite you to a workshop gathering to explore the themes raised by the Issue (twenty.fibreculturejournal.org) and to engage those themes in open speculation and provocation regarding the possible futures and future directions for FCJ after 10 Years and 20 Issues of open access publishing and networked research creation.
Between the recently published Networked Utopias and Speculative Futures (2012) issue and the forthcoming Trolls issue (Submissions Open) there is a rich uniquely fibrecultural vein concerned with the politics, desires and dynamics of network culture, creation, and community. Join us in a get together of fibrecultural thinkers, past, present and future to work through these dynamics and the creative/disruptive potential they describe.
Room 25-163
Faculty of Creative Arts,
University of Wollongong.
Su Ballard, Lizzie Muller, Mat Wall-Smith.
Networked Utopias, Speculative Futures, Internet Discourse, Disruption and Disorientation, Trolls and Trolling, Research Creation, Academic Publishing, Open access and thereabouts.
The workshop is conversational, open and participatory. Attendees will be invited to identify thematics raised in the Networked Utopias and Speculative Futures issue that suggest a speculative potential or provocation regarding the broader themes of the workshop. Conversations will be lead by editors and authors from FCJ20 and the editors of the upcoming ‘Trolls’ issue including Glen Fuller, Su Ballard, Lizzie Muller, Zita Joyce, Mat Wall-Smith and Andrew Murphie.
12.30 pm: arrive/ light lunch and launch of FCJ issue 20.
1.00 : introductions and welcome. positions – thematics – utopias – discussion
1.15- 2.00: Focus on issues raised in FCJ20 Articles.
2.00 – 2.45: Focus on the intersections between FCJ20 Networked Utopias Issue and the forthcoming Trolls issue/CFP (https://fibreculturejournal.org/category/cfp/).
2.45 – 3.30: Focus on the current and future implications of network dynamics, collaboration, publication and production.
3.30-4pm: open discussion
Networked participants:
Participation is also encouraged over the networks. (TBC)
Follow and participate via twitter #FCJChat.
The event will be recorded and streamed – details pending.
RSVP and further information: sballard@uow.edu.au
Event hosted and supported by: Faculty of Creative Arts, University of Wollongong.
Getting To University of Wollongong.
Train from Sydney: (Recommended)
1. Take the South Coast train (CityRail)
Dep: 10:29am Central Station Platform 25, Sydney
Arr: 12:06pm North Wollongong Station Platform 2
2. Walk to North Wollongong Railway Station Porter St – 49 metres
3. Take the free # 9 bus (Dions Bus Service)
Dep: 12:08pm North Wollongong Railway Station Porter St
Arr: 12:13pm Wollongong University Northfields Ave – Stand 1, Keiraville
Walk north directly across campus until you get to building 25 (Creative Arts). 10mins.
UOW has “3 for free” parking close to the creative arts building. You need at least 3 people in a car for free all day parking. For more info: https://www.uow.edu.au/parking/students/UOW002245.html
Further information on travelling to UOW can be found at www.uow.edu.au/transport/suburban